Tsis muaj dab tsi ua, thiab vim hais tias tej zaum tus kws ntaus hlau tus maum nees mus heev barefoot, Kuv yuav tsum tig mus ntsia nws lub thaus ntxiv. Kuv muaj lately “Cov sij hawm”, Kuv tsis paub, Yog hais tias nws yog mob los ntawm coob leej watches, Kuv mus txog txhua lub hlis, ob txhais tes, los yog cia li lately, tswv yim ntau yaam ntawm doceňuji nyob ua si, uas yuav zoo li unattractive los yog “tsis muaj tus ntsuj”, tiam sis yog lawv siv tswv yim tsis muaj kev sib sab laj amazing. Resistant nyob ua si hom Casio, ib series no, ntawm G-poob siab, Kuv muaj feem ntau yog enjoyed. Cia wb mus saib kuv ntxiv tseeb, G-7800 Casio G-Shock. Kuv lees txim, qhov no ua qauv, tus stray los yoojyim schema li ib txwm, saib kuv thaum ub, tab sis, txog tam sim no, Kuv ua tau tshwm sim thaum mus txais tau koob qauv yooj yim 7800, Kuv yuav muab kuaj nws xaiv.

Rooj plaub no square (xwmfab) mob beveled hau ua Octagon. Yog nws qhov ntev 50,5 × 44 × 15 millimeters. Khoom vaj tse (rooj plaub no) yog yas, lub bezel xwb (bezel) yog ib tus hlau. Yog ua tau kuj tsim nyog rau qhov ntev, ntawm qhov luaj li cas yuav tsis muaj kev txhawj txog ob tus tswv uas thinner dab teg. Qhov ntev txawm cia tsis pub dawb coj nyob hauv lub cuff los yog nyob rau hauv lub hnab looj tes ntawm ntug ua si.

Lub tes tsho hnov kom tus kuj kuj tus ntawm ib series ntawm G-poob siab tag nrho, yog li txog lub kuj ntawm tus saib tsis txhob ntog, poob siab, kev co, fais thiab magnetic teb, los yog nyob rau lawv watertight kev ntseeg (200 m) koj tsis muaj teeb meem. Saib tej zaum kawg npaum ua ntau tshaj li koj tes raws li lawv.

Tus tswj plaub nyees khawm ntawm ob lub vaj tse steel recessed lub Viewports thiab raug, Koj stlačili tau yuam kev, kuv xav li, Nws tsis yog cov.

Yog ib yam muaj tseeb rau lub fifth pob rau hauv qab ntawm hauv ntej ntawm lub tsev, Qhov no yog tseem kos hauv qab txog qib uas cov khoom siv yas surrounding. Thaum tswj tag nrho cov nyees khawm yog zoo, yuav muab tau yooj yim palpated hauv maub, cov rog no muaj in contrast to tsev neeg “Yog mudman” me npaum li cas thiab tswj cov saib yog li ntawd, zoo nyob heev. Ib classic switching txhua feature tseem nrog nws cov lus los ntawm lub teeb liab suab nrov lackluster, Thaum twg koj thaum (Mute) Thaum twg koj hloov koj thiab me faintly blinks LED liab – ke heev!

Thaum kuv sau tau, nyob hauv lub Holster no yog ua los ntawm steel phaj, kos ua ib bezel, No mas, zoo li lub tshuaj robust heev. Nws yog robust mas nws yeej tau ntau tshaj yog cov yas vaj tsev los yog cov txhuas shim Tshuag, rau tej co qauv peb pom tau. Lub thickness ntawm cov khoom qhov no cia rau engraving inscriptions ntawm tus otherwise kartáčovaném tus nto yus heev txawm tias. Qhov no kuj ua se yog tus prominence uas koj, Saib nyob tes tshwj tias koj nkaum kom yooj yim xws li tom qhov tsaus ua qauv. Yog kuv nrhiav tau ib tug qauv dub los ntawm modifying lub Lunette (PVD), Kuv mus txog nws li tseem xav. Thiab tej lub xim hloov tshwm sim, Kuv tau pom cov duab txho, dawb los sis dub tag version.

Iav swb, uas yog siv cov zaub, yog ntxhia. Cia siab tias yuav Sapphire rau watches hauv no nqe ya plhom moj. Nws yog recessed txog 2,5 tus millimeter hauv qab no txog qib uas cov bezel steel thiab qhov no yog kiag tej kev tiv thaiv tiv thaiv puas.

Yog ib qhov screen, muaj dua fab beveled, Ntawm no peb nrhiav tau ib pointer yooj yim ob peb theem pib nta lub watches. Qhov fab yog quag kuj pom mus qhib cov yam ntxwv lub – moos teeb liab, yam lub moos tswb, Pw tsaug zog los sis muab cov suab nyees khawm. Cov zaub faib ua peb theem tub ntxhais, cia qhia tej yam uas lwm tus neeg, thiab hauv cov zaub tus thawj xibfwb lub sijhawm koj txawm ho mob rau lus qhia, tias qhov saum thiab hauv qab Tshooj tej lus. Koj yuav tau xaiv los ntawm ob lub fonts, yog cov lus uas nyob rau saum thiab hauv qab ntawm cov kev tshuaj ntsuam lus – txawm yog “ntawv tuab” ntau angular lossis weaker kab.

Tus saib tau, as Well as lwm rau hauv G-poob siab, Electroluminescent Backlight zaub thoob duab zaub, lub teeb muaj nyob rau txog 1,5 SEC. fifth khawm pressed. Ntev xovxwm rau (rau thiab tsis ua) tsis siv neeg backlight thaum koj qaij koj lub dab teg ntawm koj lub ntsej muag.

In view of lub sij hawm ntawd, muaj cov tsis muaj surprises, 6 xaus cais los ntawm colons. Rau clarity, kuv xav kom tau zaub vib nas this tseem ceeb tsawg me ntsis, tab sis tej zaum tsis muaj dab tsi ua mob li no, nws yuav tsis. Qab ntxiag heev yog cov, koj yuav tau saib rau ntawm cov zaub uas teb daim ntawv thov raws, Li no, nyob nraum zoov lub caij zaub thiab tas tso saib tej ntaub ntawv – hnub tim, hnub ntawm lub limtiam ntawd, lub hli uas (los yog nws tus) thiab txawm tias lub xyoo. Saib saum lub tshuaj ntsuam tau exchanged rau ob tug lus (kev cai memo no) nyob rau ntau yam 14 cim. Tsawg random, koj yuav muaj ib tug saib ntawm pab pawg neeg cov ntshav los naj npawb xov tooj tseem ceeb, tab sis kuv lees, tus yuav mus deletion yog tsis zoo nyob heev.

Lub sij hawm tsev tsam yuav muab teev cia raws lub 31 ntiaj teb lub zos, yog ib yam muaj tseeb rau lub sij hawm zaub hauv lub ob lub sij hawm zoo noj (lub sij hawm ntiaj teb), suav exceptional deviations txog ib teev, los yog lwm lub sij hawm dua. Teem cov zaub ua rau qhov txawv ntawm UTC thiab tso saib tsis tsuas cov peb-tsab ntawv alphabetic abbreviations (Tshav dav hlau) hauv lub zos, tab sis, thaum twg kho kom haum thiab lub npe ntawm lub nroog nyob hauv qab ntawm qhov screen. Rau cov neeg mus, nws yeej txhais tau ntau neeg xwv.

Ntau yam Timer (Countdown) Nws yog ib txog 24 teev, rau kuv tseem muaj ntau yam heev nthuav. Casio rau peb developers txawm tau npaj ntau yaam tseem ceeb nuav, los ntawm qhov uas koj ua tau yooj yim xaiv – 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60 feeb. Tau kawg koj yuav tau koj (kev cai) tus nqi ntawm lub. Thiab tsis tas rau cov kab kev los ntawm cov txoos teev thiab feeb, tab sis cov watches uas yog ib lub chaw ob peb pab vib nas this. Lawv yuav measured luv yuav ua tau ib tug triple – tog twg los saib seb puas yog beeps (10×) thiab no txhua hnub, cov kev xaiv thib ob yog cov pib-rov tso (Hais dua) yuav luv tus kom txog rau thaum cov kev tuav nres (tab sis tsuas ncav mus 60 feeb). Thiab captivated kuv qhov option thoj, Thaum tom lub luv, cov saib beeps thiab nws yeej keyboards ntawm ib cais chronograph! Thiaj li yog hais tias koj yuav tsum ceeb toom qhov pib thaum hauv paus ntawm txoj (los xaus rau lub) lub sij hawm ua hauj lwm, ncaj nraim li ntawd, koj yuav pom, txog seb puas tau koj tuaj lig (los yog luag). Rau kuv yog ib tug heev ke, Kuv xav koj tsawg sim hais no.

Thaum kuv pib ntawm lub npe ntawm cov Chronograph – lub stopwatch (lub stopwatch), Saib, tso cai rau cov Team sib ntsuas kom zoo tshaj 1/100 thib ob tu nyob rau ntau yam 99 hnub, 23 teev, 59 feeb – Vim li no, puas ib hnub. Qhov uas tus tau txais qhov no yog tseem ntau dua nyob rau hauv lub koob “Yog mudman”, Nws yog qhov twg “tsuas” 1000 teev. Saib dua pub koj “rattrapante”, yog li no muab intermediate zaug, ntau yam (Muab ob npaug rau) lawv, thiab lwm yam.

Rau ib nqe lus piav txog alarms – alarms pib lub unconventionally. Koj tau txais hauv kuv qab haus huv, Thaum twg tus saib ntawm dab teg, tweet thiab hmo koj yuav tsum muaj cov teeb liab moos hom? Nrog rau cov qauv no yeej tsis muaj teeb meem, Koj yuav ua tau ua ntej yuav muab ntau yam lub sijhawm, uas koj 7800 yuav muaj lub sij hawm resulting alert. Thiab tsis tas li ntawd, Koj yuav tau qhia lub, Yog hais tias nws yuav ua txhua txhua hnub ntawm lub limtiam los ntawm hnub ua hauj lwm, los yog vim cov lis xaus.

Thiab kuj zoo ib yam li tej chaw muaj moo tswb. Nqi nyiaj, muaj yog ib qho plaub thiab ib qho dua (Pw tsaug zog). Txawm tias koj tsis tau tso lawv mus Tweet ib hnub ib (peb ntawm cov uas yuav xav coj tus yuav raug, tsis txhob hnov qab lub hnub yug kuv niam nyob hauv txoj cai), tiam sis koj yuav tau xaiv los ntawm kev xaiv plaub – muaj lus ceeb toom one-time, txhua hnub, lis xaus, hnub ua hauj lwm. Tweet pw tsaug zog dua txhua feeb tsib. Muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm lub chaw lub no kuj hais txog lwm specialities, Kuv muaj crisis tsuas tau ntsib hauv cov ancient DW-8050, uas tau ua rau “qhov” thiab lub nta. Casio hais tias “Nyem alert” thiab tsis muaj ib tug tsis ntseeg nws yog ib qhov pab tau heev, koj siv uas ever. Yog tias koj qhib hais no, Saib ntawm lub teeb liab LED yog blinking successively peb xim. Thiab thaum kuv npaum Pib ntsais koj lub teeb, vim li ntawd lawv siv cov G-7800 yog li ntawd qhov chaw nyob hauv nruab nrab ntawm ntau heev nyob ntsiag to thiab txoj kev nrov heev. Kuv kuj tsis yog tus pog, tab sis kuv hnov quieter twb saib.

Tag nrho cov nta Saib kuas “hlwb” Cov watches, Module 3163. Txhob cia siab tias txij nws txawm tias cov xov tooj cua thiab cov coupons qhov hnub ci. Nws ntaus kuv li ib tug txaj loj tiag tiag, rau qhov ntawm tes solar yuav zaub hloov txog thiab nplua nuj lub suab thiab blikacích zog mus ncaj qha mus hais kom. Skoda. Kuv tsis yog raug neeg twg tsis ua raws li cov, tab sis, kuv kwv yees hais nws ib ncig +1,5 SEC. piam, yam kuv lig xwb. Tsis tas li, cov neeg yuav (tom qab unscrewing qhov bottoms) kho lub trimmer. Zog module khoom siv roj teeb CR2025, Nws yuav tsum tau kav 5 xyoo, kuv xav li, tias kuv yuav tau me ntsis feem ntau los pauv.

Yas rau hauv no classic watches no – molding Sheet hlau uas txuas plaub screws nrog cross hau. Zaum ntawm koj ob sab tes zoo thiab nws niam hais txog txhua yam, Muaj dab tsi yog hais txog tej no. Cov lus zoo ib yam li lwm cov series G-Shock classic, Tu siab cia li hauv 7800 muaj koj cov tsiaj “mascot”, yog li peb thiaj nyob nruab nrab ntawm qhov bottoms yog ib daim ntawv lo “thaum nws poob siab”.

Roj hmab band yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws, Cas kuv pom nyob rau koj saib, thiab tsis tas yuav series G-poob siab. Yog heev nyob thiab dav, Saib ntawm koj tes txawm tuas. Rau saum lub tsev yog txawm tias ib yam khoom ntawm ib tug cav, Nws tseem ua lub tsev nyob rau hauv ob ntxiv nrog rau qhov ob sab, qhia ntxiv txog cov duab.

Ib qho hlau Reed keyboards sia siv. Nyiaj yuav nyob rau lub classically stěžejkami thiab kuj cov plaub screws nrog tus ntoo khaub lig-lub taub hau. Kuj tseem muaj ib tug siv saib nyhav nyhav 66 grams. Nplaim rau daim kab xev yog pleasantly Matt, txhais tau hais tias tus “Velvet”, raws li nrog yas lub tsev.

Raws li kuv tau hais, Yog cov watches – kawg rau kuv – yuav luag zoo meej. Kuv xav highlight tseem nqis zaub, silence tswb ntoos, Timer muaj nuj nqi, Nyem alert thiab kuj. Yog tus tsis muaj zog loj kuv thiaj pom xwb hla lub roj teeb solar them, txhua tsav txhua yam kuv lig puas lub. Tsawg kawg yog kuv xav tias koj tsis mus nrhiav kom “perfect kuv saib cov”. Kwv yees li ntawm nqe yog ib tug nyob ib ncig ntawm lub lag luam Czech 2700 CZK (los yog kwv yees li 60 GBP thaum sim lwm qhov nriav nyob teb chaws Europe) thiab no saib tsim! Thiab watches nrog rau lub roj teeb rau cov kuv yuav nco ntsoov qhia qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, Thaum lawv yuav muaj nyob rau hauv Koscomu muaj ib daim tuaj hloov roj teeb rau txoj hauj lwm ntawm koj saib dawb.

Tus sau lub cov phau ntawv thiab cov duab: 🙂 kibi

Album ntawm tag nrho cov duab.

Os Koj yuav nrhiav tau lus Askiv los ntawm txhais tes rau lub 3163.

Yog hais tias koj nyiam txoj kev ntsuam xyuas, Peb cia, Thov, kuv "xav" rau Facebook phab. Nws yog peb lub tswv yim zoo, ua tsaug ntau!