Search results for [ urwerk ] - 13 hit

Black diamond: Nitroglycerin Experiment ZR012 Black – spotlight

C3H5N3O9 you may remember as the molecular formula of explosive nitroglycerin. C3H5N3O9 se také jmenuje velmi mladé seskupení, která vyvíjí experimentální velmi neobvyklé hodinky. Za projektem stojí MB&F a Urwerk, namely Felix Baumgartner, Martin Frei, Maximilian Busse a Serge Kriknoff, a sami tvůrci neměli sebemenší tušení, What will be the result of joint work. O jejich prvním modelu jsme psali zde, Today I will introduce you to their successor. Hodinky Experiment ZR012 se vrátily tentokrát v černém kabátě a opět v limitované edici 12 pieces

URWERK EMC - Sophisticated Madness – spotlight

Posledná novinka z dielne švajčiarskeho Urwerku, ktorú stihli už v máji predstaviť v rámci výstavy Baselworld, finally appeared on the market. Collectors and fans of non-traditional watch design industries can prepare their bank accounts

Baselworld 2013 – Day One – spotlight

First day in Basel ran very fast. We visited many stalls, river made prvními stánek Zeno Watch Basel. Watch with power reserve 8 days not miss our attention

Urwerk UR-110 PT – spotlight

I love the brand Urwerk, love. Produces a very distinct watches, that is easy to differentiate from the masses actually still the same or similar models from other brands. And what has actually? New this year was presented in Geneva

Evaluation of competition flashdrive Urwerk

Evaluation of the competition

Competition for the flashdrive Urwerk

Competition for the flashdrive Urwerk!

Communicative Urwerk UR-210 - novelty

Watches never did not show such a relationship and bond to their owners. UR-210 as the first highlight and monitor the symbiosis between man and his mechanical watches. Urwerk UR-210 is characterized by an original show time and at the same time communicate with the owner in the same spirit

Nitroglycerin wrist – C3H5N3O9 – spotlight

Today, we have one explosive news, This is a watch, which are called C3H5N3O9, in alchemical UZ asi Tusi, year, it's nitroglycerin! This project was initiated by partners from brand MB&F a Urwerk. Group of eminent personalities hodinkového world - Maximilian Büsser, Serge Kriknoff, Felix Baumgartner, a Martin Frei - was established in order to create interesting watch, But that did not fit into their existing frameworks brands. And what fruit brought this cooperation

Urwerk UR-110 TTH a UR-110 ST – spotlight

S hi-tech avantgardními hodinkami Urwerk jsem vás seznámila loni zde, představena byla mimojiné i řada UR-110 také zvaná "Torpedo". Dnes vám ukážu dvoje UR-110, každé s lunetou z jiného materiálu

MB&F – Baselworld 2011 – 15.

MB&F - Baselworld 2011 -

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